Parkview Care Home

Parkview Care Home

Parkview Care Home is perfectly located between Clarendon Park and Glencairn. This popular Belfast care home is a short drive to Belfast centre and close to transport links. The care provided at Parkview Care Home includes nursing care for those who have complex medical needs, as well as 24-hour nursing dementia care. We also take respite bookings. Parkview Care Home residents are encouraged to enjoy exploring the magnificent rural surroundings and to take friends and family for walks in the extensive, mature parks. Every year many people are placed in the position of looking for the appropriate person-centred care for a loved one; we appreciate this and would like you to consider our homes as part of any decision-making.

Contact Us

You are welcome to tour our home and discuss care options if you are looking for care.

Please call or email

Parkview Care Home
Glencairn Road, Belfast, County Antrim BT13 3PU

Telephone: 028 903 91393

Care Home Manager:  Codrina Aioanei

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